Sorry, but I think you're missing an important point. Over the years, I'd say that at least half the code I write is what I call "plumbing code". It moves data from point 'a' to point 'b' and may apply some translating and filtering along the way.
I'd argue that the thing you're pointing to with a so-called "low-code" approach is what you end up with when you manage to create a framework that has plumbing built-in to the infrastructure and you don't need to worry about. You can draw lines from a bunch of fields to a box that represents a "record" in a DB, then draw a line from that box to the DB, you don't need to write a single line of code that explains how to move the data from the fields to the form buffer to the middle tier to the DB, and back, or even how to deal with scrolling through the data.
We're getting there, but we still have a ways to go.
Oh, and there's also a distinction that is causing confusion: "software developers" do not equal "coders". I absolutely hate being called a coder. I understand that the person saying it has no clue what is involved with the whole process of taking an idea out of your head and turning it into something that even comes close to what you were thinking. "Coders", I'd assert, can NOT do that!
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that your average "coder" mostly deals with "plumbing code", shoveling bits from here to there and hoping they don't lose some along the way. But conceptualizing what's going on in a person's head, creating a model of it, then building a simulation of that ... is way beyond their capabilities. Most programmers aren't even very good at it, in my experience.
A successful "low-code" platform will eliminate virtually all "plumbing code". All that will be left is UI stuff. That lives mostly in the realm of graphic design, not "coders".
What term will we come up with to describe people who do basic UI work that never write any code? "modelers"?